Cheat sheets for machine learning and programming

Collect useful cheat sheet resources for machine learning, deep learning, and programming languages (Python/R/Matlab).

1. Programming languages cheat sheets

  • A site named Mathesaurus provides quick references for switching among Python/R/Matlab for numeric processing and data visualization, etc. E.g., R for Matlab users, NumPy for R/Matlab users, etc.

  • has documentations about “NumPy for Matlab users”.

1.1 R cheat sheets

  • This site (RStudio resources) contains many useful cheat sheets for R and its packages. E.g., base R, advanced R, data import/transformation for R, Sparklyr package for Apache Spark, Keras, R Markdown, and ggplot2, etc.

2. Machine learning cheat sheets

last updated: June 2017