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Spatial partition-wise/region-wise/segmented/piecewise regression

29 Apr 2018
regression spatial regression segmented regression piecewise regression spatial partitioning

Partitioning a 2D space for piecewise regression.


Visualize spatial data in maps using R and Python

26 Sep 2017
spatial maps R Python

For spatial data analysis, visualizing the spatial patterns of the data is necessary. In many cases, a map is used as the background of the figure. This post summarizes several commonly used methods to make maps with R and Python.


Cheat sheets for machine learning and programming

11 Jun 2017
cheat sheet machine learning deep learning Python R Matlab

Collect useful cheat sheet resources for machine learning, deep learning, and programming languages (Python/R/Matlab).


Is co-Kriging always better than ordinary Kriging?

19 May 2017
spatial statistics kriging question

A new discussion on the performance of co-Kriging and ordinary Kriging.


About different Kriging methods

14 Apr 2017
spatial statistics kriging

Difference in Simple Kriging, Ordinary Kriging, Co-Kriging, Universial Kriging, Kriging with external drift, and Regression Kriging.


Dealing with categorical variables in regression

21 Mar 2017
basic theories regression categorical variable

This post introduces dummy coding for categorical variables.


Logistic regression

03 Aug 2016
basic theories classification logistic regression

Logistic regression is a regression model where the outcome is categorical (mostly binary).
